Is there a pre-requisite for your meditation journey?

Have you read the book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen R. Covey? It is around 432 pages, a very inspiring book in many ways because it elaborates the reasons behind the existence of harmony in some people’s lives and lack of it in others. Have you ever noticed how some have the ability to manage themselves better to find peace in challenging circumstances and some can't?
It seems Stephen Covey has done a thorough research on this subject. Here is a summary of the book if you are interested to take a look:

The first habit explains the difference between proactive and reactive people. Understanding the difference and applying it on a daily basis can make a huge shift in your life. 

If I want to summarize it in my own words, a proactive person is the one who considers him/herself in charge, who decides to learn the techniques that would bring success, growth, peace and happiness on a regular basis. They feel responsible in dark times, they take action & work on their abilities to respond better & find light no matter what the circumstance is. Reactive people are the exact opposite, they become the victims of the situation. They don't take charge and they blame the situation and other people for their own misery. Here is an example:


I am the creator of my life and it is not his fault when I feel frustrated.

  • Focusing on the positive energy.

  • How can I have a better influence?

  • What is the solution?


Staying at home during Covid makes me very sad. There is nothing I can do.

  • Focusing on the negative energy.

  • What are my concerns?

  • I don't have a solution, it is out of control.

Which category do you fall into? If you are in the reactive category, are you willing to change your mindset to become proactive? If you are not willing to, meditation and the path towards mindfulness might not be for you. But if you want to master the world, you gotta take action, enjoy the journey towards mastering your mind by taking baby steps that can eventually lead to independence, happiness & success. 

Here is a recommended Ted talk on the subject of meditation:

So having said that, let's be proactive and start with 8 minutes of meditation. Sit down and Breathe! yes, as simple as that! BUT breathe with awareness. Bring your full presence to your inhalations and exhalations. Inhale deeply. Exhale completely. Then repeat to yourself: I am already whole...